■About amataca.com This is an adult site that contains information (sexual content, etc.) may be harmful to persons under the age of 18. We recommend you to use filtering software and restrict viewing browser for persons under the age of 18. Restrict viewing browser ・http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/ie/reskit/6/part2/c05ie6rk.mspx?mfr=true (English) ・http://www.microsoft.com/japan/windows/ie/using/howto/contentadv/config.msp (Japanese) Free service ・http://fss.live.com(English) ・http://promotion.live.jp/familysafety (Japanese) ■For filtering software By using the filtering software is effective to protect persons under the age of 18 from harmful information on the Internet, you can limit that persons under the age of 18 to see the sites that contain harmful information. To take advantage of filtering software, there are links bellow about how to install filtering software and how to join the filtering service provider . There is also a filtering service from Internet service provider. For more information, please see the links bellow. ・http://www.cybersitter.com (English) ・http://www.cyberpatrol.com (English) ・http://www.netnanny.com (English) ・http://www.oyakonet.com (Japanese) ・http://www.daj.jp/cs/index.htm (Japanese) In addition, it is recommended that you do not save ID and password at your browser for members who may share a computer with parents who have less than 18 years old. ※It is not our responsibility for any trouble occurs in your PC when using above software. |